X-News Week #77 (April 8th-14th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- Spring Series tournament took place last weekend with more than 100 players from all over the world and a final between Otochun and Murasaki. [Video playlist (both onstream and offstream matches as well as the FT5 exhibitions) | Bracket links in video descriptions | Gian’s re-stream: Day 1 & Day 2 (in Japanese)]. Post event reports: [James Chen’s report (minute 1:14:04) | Chen’s on-site report & tour | Free Play thank you video | Free Play post event documentary & review]. Soon to be published: Pool D Offstream, Top 32 Offstream.
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #123 weekly event with RemoMD Dictator and Hokuto Claw in the finals. [Bracket | Video]
- Special team battle at Enpara arcade in Osaka (Kansai) of Ken vs Guile. All the top players were using one character or the other. Kotaka Shoten was invited from Tokyo and played the final against Aniken. Unfortunately, player names are on screen in Japanese only. We’ll try to add a translation as a comment soon. [Video]
- The legend Gian Dhalsim started a weekly stream every Monday with online sessions on 30th anniversary. He called the sessions Gian Recitals and he is properly archiving them on youtube as well. [This week’s video]
- FT10 from the KomonoMichi Series at Game Spot Versus in Tokyo (Kanto) between Cloiwan Honda vs. Yuuvega Dictator. [Video]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #124 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). With the presence of Tsuji Boxer. Due to the change of the broadcaster player names in English won’t be appearing on screen. [Video | source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Kawasim Dhalsim and Haku Cammy. Annotations in the video description. [Video | source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Extra life cafe in Paris run another event of their ranking battle series. With a final between Zagi ChunLi and Touco. [Bracket | Video]
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with Guile’s crouching strong. [Article | Previous publications]
- The new Sanwa removable stick is available now on Smallcab. [Link]

X-News Week #76 (April 1st-7th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- Super Arcade new location in LA celebrated their 1st anniversary. The final was between eltrouble Dhalsim and OGKen Old Ken. [Bracket | Video]. There are some highlights extracted from the main video: Couch match | Grand final | Watson kumite.
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #122 weekly event with Scuzbucket ChunLi and x64 Honda in the finals. [Bracket | Video]
- FT5 at Space Shuttle arcade in Nagoya (Chubu). Tamashima Boxer (visiting from Tokyo) vs MAO Claw. [Video]
- Game Spot Versus casuals seriesin Tokyo (Kanto) with Yaya Sagat in it. [Video | source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #123 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Shogatsu and Murasaki faced off against each other in a decisive match. Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [Video | source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Newton Ooyama special team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). Team tournament with the presence of some inactive players showing up, like Shiki Boxer. Annotations in the video description. [Video | source: Ooyama nico channel]
- Special monthly 3vs3 at Game Spot Versus in Tokyo (Kanto) with Hide ChunLi, Haidin Ryu and Makiri Ken as the winning team. Annotations in the video description. [Video | source: GSV twitch channel]
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Kaneko Guile and KKY Blanka. Annotations in the video description. [Video | source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Playland F1R tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. Round Robin special tournament with annotations. [Video | source: Playland twitch channel]
- Fightcade Offline Festival took place last weekend in Spain with players coming from France, Italy, the UK and Japan. The solo final was between TMF Zangief and TZW Guile. [Solo Bracket | Team Bracket | Video Playlist (with James Chen on the commentary)]. There are some post-event reports like James Chen report (minute 54:05) and Retro-videojuegos report (in Spanish).
- The community in Nantes is more active than ever with 2X. They run their 19.1 edition of Nantarena tournament with a final between Donyann Ken and MMK ChunLi. [Bracket | Video | Team Battle video]. A couple of players in that community started both youtube and twitch channels dedicated to 2X and they are also in the process of creating a mobile app in order to visualize hitbox data. [Youtube channel 1 | Youtube channel 2 | Twitch channel 1 | Twitch channel 2]
- ST tournament called Reflect is announced to be held in Hammersmith, London (UK). Dates are June 15-16. [Tournament info]
- Weekly sessions from the arcade in Singapore. Annotations in the video description. [April 3 edition]
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with Akuma’s crouching strong. [Article | Previous publications]
- The principal maintainer of the SRK wiki, Born2SPD, has added jump and prejump animation frames data for all the chars. [SRK wiki] As part of the research he created a couple of videos of quirks that happen with jumping frames. [Video 1 | Video 2].
- The Japanese wiki T-Akiba has also added some data like character width. [T-Akiba wiki (in Japanese)]
- Someone at retrorgb has made some new lag tests where confirms the almost negligible lag of using brook + ud-usb decoder. [Article]
- Uniqlo clothing brand has released some shirts with SF related illustrations. Here is their commercial video.

X-News Week #75 (March 25th-31st, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- Norcal regionals took place last weekend with a final between Riz0ne Dictator and Ganelon Claw. [Bracket | Video]
- Super Turbo Showdown 3 took place on the weekend with a final between SuperRV and OldManFrank in the solo tournament [Bracket Solo | Bracket Teams | Video Playlist]
- Fromo Blanka had a session at his place with a few players performing several FT5 [Video – see annotations] as well an FT10 with the guest Hokuto Claw who was visiting from Mexico [Video].
- Super Turbo Garage Sessions in Toronto from March. [Video]
- Belated post from Atari of the ToL3 warmup sessions from last year with the French guests [Video – no sound].
- Defend the North has been announced for the weekend of July 19-21. [Details and registration]
- Ohio will host an ST tournament on July 27, apparently on arcade hardware. [Details and registration]
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #121 weekly event with H-Zero and TechMonkey in the finals. [Bracket | Video]
- Cloiwan Honda posted an old FTX between him and Hakase Dhalsim [Video] and another one between him and Tamashima Boxer [Video].
- FT5 at Space Shuttle arcade in Nagoya (Chubu). Hakase Dhalsim (visiting from Tokyo) vs Fujimon Deejay. [Video]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #122 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Murasaki and Otochun faced off against each other in a decisive match. Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [Video | source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between XSPR Ryu and Haku Cammy. Annotations in the video description. [Video | source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Belated Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between XSPR Ryu and Gucchi Ryu. Annotations in the video description. [Video | source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Special team battle at the Sun Seibu arcade in Hamamatsu (Chubu). Annotations in English on screen. [Video]
- Playland F1R tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. [March 22 edition (no annotations) | March 29 special tournament (annotations in video description) | source: Playland twitch channel]
- LaDOSEnet posted their #703 monthly ranking battle in Lyon with a final between Zarghatt ChunLi and Kazel Deejay. Annotations in the video description. [Bracket | Video Part 1 | Video Part 2].
- A tournament was run in the south of France at le Tignet with a final between Marcade and XavierF. [No brackets | Video]
- Weekly sessions from the arcade in Singapore. Annotations in the video description. [March 29 edition].
- FTX in Singapore between Kumar Hawk vs William ChunLi. [Video]
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with Dhalsim’s crouching medium punch. [previous publications]
- DngrsPapercut posted a video exploring how to perform a 720 off of a whiffed standing lp with T. Hawk. [Video]
- Someone posted on instagram a video with a never seen before Honda technique. [Video]

X-News Week #74 (March 18th-24th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- Super Turbo Showdown 3 is happening in Toronto this Saturday with players traveling to the event like MegamanX Zangief, EtotheNG Dictator, SuperrV Boxer, Thelo Honda and Roybisel Boxer and with top quality stream, setups and commentators. Stream | Matcherino | Registration | More details
- Makai Tournament took place in Cincinnati as part of the 2old2furious series with Silentscope Cammy participating the event. Bracket | Stream (top8 at minute 3:45:00)
- Upcoming monthly Norcal Crabattle session this weekend with Riz0ne Dictator participating. Stream | Registration
- Super Bit Wars 7 will have an ST tournament in Norman, Oklahoma this Saturday. Registration
- 5th ST session in NYC from last weekend with TechMonkey, SuperrV, MegamanX, Zoolander, and EtotheNG. Annotations on screen.
- SuperTurbo Argentina started their 2nd season already and here is the video of the first tournament. Annotations on screen plus commentary.
- Latest ST session of the TNF stream from Free Play Richardson (Texas). Annotations on screen plus commentary.
- There are two more videos available from the facebook live streams of the ST ranking battle run in Brazil. Stream list
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #120 weekly event with RemoMD Dictator and x64 Honda in the finals. Bracket | Video
- 5th installment of X-er tournament took place last weekend at the BigOne arcade in Tokyo (Kanto). The format of X-er is 2vs2 teams with only participants that haven’t won any Japanese major in the past. Final between Piroshi Honda & Suzuka Dhalsim vs Yomiaido Ryu & Kazu Deejay. Annotations in as a comment in the video.
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Kawasim Dhalsim and Yakitori Hawk as team captains. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #121 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Murasaki Guile and Hazi Deejay faced off against each other in a decisive match, with an exhibition between Ando Dhalsim and Shogatsu Old Honda afterwards. This time, as a fun exception, they set up the game to 3 round victories in each match (this can only be done in HSF2). Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Nakamu Blanka and Cloiwan Honda as team captains. A lot of Hawk action in this video. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Belated Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament in Tokyo (Kanto) from last week. Double bracket format. Kaneko Guile, Shiro Ryu and Hide ChunLi in the top 3. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Xgamerz posted the casuals session from the pre-event run the day before the main Starcup tournament at Shuttle Space arcade in Nagoya (Chubu) last February.
- Navarcade announced that James Chen will be going to the big tournament in Spain, Fightcade Offline Festival, which will take place next week. Registration
- Weekly sessions from the arcade in Singapore. Annotations in the video description.
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with Dee Jay’s crouching medium punch. [previous publications]
- Mongorobocop started a podcast where he talks about some history, events and other details of ST. Available on AnchorFM and Spotify.
- The guys at Sneeknet in Australia published an excellent article dedicated to ST. They talk about the history of the game hardware, the 25th anniversary Star Cup tournament and even the high score records of the game. They also announced an ST tournament that will take place on April 18 in Sydney.
- Golcarjack Guile made some tables comparing damage between Ryu and Ken in ST/2X
- Makiri Ken posted a brutal short video from last summer of Orf Ryu vs Sashishi Ryu.
- Damdai Old Ryu posted a video with a real time comparison of stage speed in ST.
- ‘Hi Score Girl’ season 2 premier has been announced for October 2019
- 2nd generation of Sanwa silent buttons (OBSFE), which removes the foam pad, are now available at Focusattack.
- Uniqlo brand has a series of SF2 T-Shirts available at their stores.

X-News Week #73 (March 11th-March 17th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- Final Round tournament took place last weekend with a final between Justin Wong Old Sagat and FlashG Old Ken. Bracket | Video
- Free Play Arcade has been organizing ST tournaments for kids with great success. However, details and videos are only posted in their facebook group.
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #119 weekly event with Hokuto Claw and RenoMD Dictator in the finals. Bracket | Video
- Red Bull and Button Mashers joined forces to organize a tournament in Tokyo on console (!!) played on 30th Anniversary. Many big names were present like Souzou, Shogatsu, Shiki, KKY, Nogyo, Sasori, Kurahashi, Mattsun, etc (133 entrants total). The final was between Hazi Deejay and Kotaka Shoten Guile. Video annotations | Bracket (in Japanese) | Video | Website (in Japanese). After the main tournament there is an exhibition (FT3) between Kotaka Shoten Guile and Kurahashi Ryu.
- FT5 at Space Shuttle arcade in Nagoya (Chubu). Tamashima Boxer (visiting from Tokyo) vs Futachan Claw.
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Kusa ChunLi and Nakamu Honda as team captains. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #120 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Murasaki Dictator and Otochun ChunLi faced off against each other in a decisive match. Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). 2vs2 format. Annotations in the video description. With the participation of Komoda Blanka and Yaya Sagat. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Game Newton Ooyama special team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With a spectacular performance from Shiki Boxer. Annotations in the video description. [source: Ooyama nico channel]
- From the list of streams in Japan that we have been missing for the longest time… we have G’Com Wajiro Arcade in Fukuoka (Kyushu area) in the very very West of Japan. Not sure what known players are in that arcade but they have been posting commentated streams on youtube for a while (no annotations). Better late than never.
- Playland F1R tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. No annotations. [source: Playland twitch channel]
- Extra Life Cafe in Paris (France) posted their ranking battle of March with a final between Zagi ChunLi and Donyann Ken. Player names on screen. After the main event there is also a team tournament, east vs west style, with the two finalists as team captains. Bracket | Video
- First Attack posted the final of their last ranking battle in their facebook group. For some reason, they didn’t specify who the players are.
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with Boxer (and O.Boxer) crouching mp. [previous publications]
- From the creator of OSSC, the CPS2/CPS3 Digital AV interface is now available for pre-order. With this device (soldering required) you would be able to output HDMI from your CPS2 without any lag.

X-News Week #72 (March 4th-March 10th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- The ONE – Retro Fighting Game Tournament took place on Saturday in Vegas with a final between Justin Wong ChunLi and eltrouble Dhalsim. Bracket | Video
- 4th meet up organized in NYC featuring TechMonkey, SuperrV, MegamanX, GreenTea, Zoolander, The Chief, and EtotheNG. Video
- Toronto Top Tiers streamed the ST tournament run at CEC2019 with a final between Redeyeguy DeeJay and Pestro ChunLi. Brackets | Video (minute 9:01:25)
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #118 weekly event with Hokuto Claw and TechnicalMonkey ChunLi in the finals. Bracket | Video
- FT5 at the Sun Seibu arcade in Hamamatsu (Chubu) between Kawasima Dhalsim and Maguro Hawk.
- FT5 at the Sun Seibu arcade in Hamamatsu (Chubu) between Kawasima Boxer and Nakano Cammy.
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Hide ChunLi and Kawasim Dhalsim as team captains. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Game Newton Ooyama special team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). Format not clear. Annotations in the video description. [source: Ooyama nico channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #119 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Ando Dhalsim and Palestine ChunLi faced off against each other in a decisive match. Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Kawasim Dhalsim and Tomoza ChunLi. Annotations in the video description. [source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Belated Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Kaneko Guile and Atomic Boy Zangief. Annotations in the video description. [source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Playland F1R tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. March 3 edition (no annotations) | February 22 special tournament (no annotations). [source: Playland twitch channel]
- Weekly session from the arcade in Singapore. Annotations in the video description.
- We forgot to post the “Normal of the Week” here for two weeks straight. Here are the last three:
- No Honor Crew facebook group is 10 years old and coincidently reached 1K members. Forums and groups come and go but NHC is holding strong as the most international reference for ST.
- You can now pre-order the detachable Sanwa stick (at FocusAttack) that we talked in previous weeks.
- There is a relatively recent article that extensively talks about the world behind CRT preservation. Definitely relevant for the ST community.

X-News Week #71 (February 25th-March 3rd, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- The ONE – Retro Fighting Game Tournament in Vegas is coming up this Saturday with a 2X tournament. Schedule | Stream (Saturday 4pm PST) | Bracket
- There is a newly created channel at the STR Discord server to help with matchmaking on online platforms. In particular, with the recent revival of HDR (in Classic mode of course).
- DjFrijoles has given more details of the big tournament they are organizing in Mexico. Besides all the big local players Ultracombo might go to the tournament as well. It will take place on June 1st at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Guerrero.
- The community in Argentina ran a stream to announce the rules and details of their upcoming 2nd national ST league.
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #116 weekly event with RealDecoy Blanka and Hokuto Claw in the finals. Bracket | Video
- FT10 from the KomonoMichi Series at Game Spot Versus in Tokyo (Kanto) between Kabuki-kun Boxer vs. Stomach Momio Zangief.
- FT5 at Space Shuttle arcade in Nagoya (Chubu). Futachan Ryu vs Cloiwan Honda.
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Hide ChunLi and Suzuka Dhalsim as team captains. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #118 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Murasaki Dictator and Otochun ChunLi faced off against each other in a decisive match. Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Special monthly 3vs3 at Game Spot Versus in Tokyo (Kanto) with not only the usual great performances from Yakitori Old Hawk and Koemon FeiLong but also Gian Dhalsim who seems to be back in the best shape. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV twitch channel]
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Kawasim Zangief and Une Guile. Annotations in the video description. [source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Special team battle at the Sun Seibu arcade in Hamamatsu (Chubu). East vs West format. Annotations in Japanese in the video description.
- Playland F1R tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. Round robin format. Annotations in the video description. [source: Playland twitch channel]
- LaDOSE monthly ranking battle has been posted. Final between Bansheebot Blanka and Hiroki Ryu who was visiting from Tokyo. Bracket | Video. Annotations in the video description.
- Marcade Honda kumite recorded by the LaDOSE crew in France.
- Footage and results from the recent 2X tournamet at Konbo, Edinburgh, UK. Bracket | Videos
- Extra Life Cafe in Paris uploaded their last ranking battle to Youtube. We already talked about the details in the past while it was on Twitch. Brackets | Part 1 | Part 2. No annotations. They also announced the details of the upcoming ranking battle for march.
- The RetroRGB crew published a detailed page (with video included) of everything you wanted to know about capturing game video which applies to those who have been setting up recording hardware to capture ST. A must read.

X-News Week #70 (February 18th-24th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- 3rd meet up organized in NYC featuring TechMonkey, SuperrV, MegamanX, GreenTea, Zoolander, Dominican2X and EtotheNG. Video
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #116 weekly event with Hokuto Claw and x64 Honda in the finals. Bracket | Video
- The community in Argentina ran a small tournament called Tucuman and recorded the footage of it. Bracket | Video
- The Star Cup tournament finally took place on the 25th anniversary day of the game and was even featured on Shoryuken’s blog. There are two videos already up:
- The first video is the three last chance qualifiers run on the same day of the tournament. There are amazing performances from Mori Boxer, Tasaka Cammy, Gunze Zangief and Isaji Cammy among others. The players who qualified were Kotaka Shoten Guile, Fujimon Deejay and Kusumondo Honda.
- The second video is the final top 16 with the 3 players aforementioned, the ones classified from other satellite qualifiers (Kusa, Alabama, Yondaime, KKY, Hazi, Cloiwan, Yuuvega, Mattsun, Murasaki, Opemai) and the three players who automatically qualified for being the top 3 of the past edition (Otochun, MAO, Futachan). There are way too many good performances to name them here so we recommend to watch it all. Annotations in the video description.
- Online FTX from 2015, but published recently, between at Kenta-kobe and Hazi.
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Suzuka Dhalsim and Nakamu Blanka as team captains. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). Double bracket format. Final between Shu Ken and Seo ChunLi. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Game Newton Ooyama special team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format with two chances for each player. Annotations in the video description. [source: Ooyama nico channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #117 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). With the guest visit of Unessential ChunLi from Canada. Otochun ChunLi and Hazi Deejay faced off against each other in the final match. Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Kaneko Guile and XSPR Ryu. Annotations in the video description. [source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Special team battle at the Sun Seibu arcade in Hamamatsu (Chubu). East vs West format. Annotations in Japanese in the video description.
- The Spanish community ran their monthly online ranking battle with a final between Marcade Honda and Pof Boxer. However, stream footage has been automatically deleted from their twitch archive. Bracket
- Weekly session from the arcade in Singapore. Annotations in the video description.

X-News Week #69 (February 11th-17th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
Reminder that Saturday 23rd is ST/2X 25th Anniversary. Thank you to each and every player of the community for staying there for so long.
Here the news from last week plus all the details of the Star Cup tournament coming up this weekend in the Japan section:
- The West Coast Spring Series qualifier took place at Don’s arcade in LA. Many players returned to the scene for the tournament like Moocus, OG Ken, WickedElement, Synco, Stevebafett, Blaqskullz, etc. The final was between AfroLegends DJ and Riz0ne Dictator. Along with eltrouble Dhalsim the three of them get qualified for the Spring Series finals. Annotations on video description. Bracket | Video
- Speaking of Spring Seriers finals 3 out of the 5 Japanese invites have been announced. Otochun, Mattsun and Yaya are confirmed to attend. April 12-14. Event Info
- Lost Ark arcade in North Carolina will be running a tournament on ST 25th anniversary date, February 23rd. Event info | Stream channel
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum run their #115 weekly event with ScuzBucket and x64 in the finals. Bracket | Video
- Star Cup finals are already here, happening on Saturday 23 at Space Shuttle in Nagoya. Unlike most Japanese tournaments this is a singles one although the players have to decide which two characters they can use beforehand. The finals will be among 10 champions that have been qualified for the last two months all around Japan plus the top 3 from last edition (2014) who are automatically qualified. The last 3 remaining spots will be decided in a preliminary round on the tournament day making it to a final 16 players total for the bracket. The final tournament will start at Saturay Noon (JST time)/Friday 7pm (PST time)/Saturday 4am (CET time), and will be streamed at the Space Shuttle twitch channel. More info (in Japanese). Here is a list of all the 16 spots:
- Neyagawa ABC in Osaka. Hazi (DeeJay/O.Hawk). Video
- Enjoy Paradise in Osaka. Qualifier #1. KKY (Dhalsim). Video
- Enjoy Paradise in Osaka. Qualifier #2. Murasaki (Dictator). Video
- Play Spot BigOne in Tokyo. Cloiwan (Honda). Video
- Game Spot Versus in Tokyo. Alabama (Boxer). Video
- VGM Robot in Fukaya. Final: Mattsun (Ken/Cammy). Video
- Game Newton Ooyama in Tokyo. Yuuvega (Dictator/DJ). Video
- New from last week: Space Shuttle in Nagoya. Qualifier #1. Yondaime (O.Sagat) (final against Aniki (Ryu/Guile). Losers | Winners | Grand Finals
- New from last week: Space Shuttle in Nagoya. Qualifier #2. Opemai (Claw) (final against Fujimon (DJ)). Losers | Winners. Losers finals and grand finals weren’t recorded due to an equipment problem.
- New from last week: Daytona Shiki in Tokyo. Kusa (ChunLi/Honda) (final against Kikai (Dictator/Guile)). Video
- 2014 Top 1: Otochun
- 2014 Top 2: MAO
- 2014 Top 3: Futachan
- Onsite qualifier #1
- Onsite qualifier #2
- Onsite qualifier #3
- FT5 at Space Shuttle arcade in Nagoya (Chubu). Shinonii Old Sagat vs Parupunte Boxer.
- FT5 at Space Shuttle arcade in Nagoya (Chubu). Hakase Dhalsim vs Opemai Claw.
- FTX at Game Spot Versus in Tokyo (Kanto). Rescued from 2016. Between Yakitori Old Hawk and Alabama Boxer. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Kawamata Ryu and Tomoza Dictator as team captains. Annotations in video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #116 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Otochun ChunLi and Murasaki Dictator face each other in the decisive match. Player name annotations on screen both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). Character ratio format. Gucchi Ryu vs Hide O.Blanka/ChunLi in the final. Annotations in video description. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Belated Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament from the previous week in Tokyo (Kanto). 2vs2 team format. Gucchi & Nikaiten vs tomo & Yakitori in the finals. Annotations in video description. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Playland F1R tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. No annotations. [source: Playland twitch channel]
- Extra Life run the qualifier for HFS-FactorX. The final was between Balcork Feilong and Zagi ChunLi. Both of them get qualified for FactorX. They also were the captains for the special East vs West that was run afterwards. Bracket | Stream | East vs West chart
- The Spanish community started doing regular monthly offline meet ups in Barcelona and they streamed the last one directly from ps4 30th. The final was between Pof (O.Hawk/Boxer) and RickyTTT (Ryu/O.Sagat). Annotations on video description. Bracket | Video
- Ladose will run their monthly ranking battle this Sunday 24 at Gamespirit in Lyon. More info
- The french group First Attack posted the results of their last ranking battle with a final between pe1port Dhalsim and Pierrot Feilong. Bracket | Final’s video (facebook links)
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with a Blanka special with 3 moves: Close standing strong, far standing strong, and back/toward+strong. [previous publications]
- Not sure how long this has been up but apparently there are sf2 related clothes both in jeans or soccer shirts.

X-News Week #68 (February 4th-10th, 2019)
By yogaboy |
- The East Coast Spring Series 4 qualifier was run in NYC with a final between Damdai and TechMonkey. Bracket | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Top 4
- The West Coast qualifier will be run at Don’s arcade in LA on February 16. Top 3 of the tournament will qualify for Spring Series 4 at Free Play Arcade in Texas. Event Info | Stream channel
- NorCal Crabattle run their February edition with a final between Myung and RusselCasse. Stream (starts at 1:33:00).
- Lost Ark arcade in North Carolina will be running a tournament on ST 25th anniversary date, February 23rd. Event info | Stream channel
- Retro Night is back at Defend The North 2019 in New York. July 19-21. Starting prize pool of $250 courtesy of CitiGaming and powered by Matcherino. Event info and registration
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum run their #112 weekly event with RenoMD Dictator and x64 in the finals. Bracket | Video
- The last two Starcup qualifiers took place last week. However, MAO still hasn’t posted the videos. We’ll hopefully have them next week and publish the whole list here.
- Enpara arcade in Osaka (Kansai) has been running casual sessions on Saturday night for the longest time. Last week and for the first time one of the cabinets was streamed on youtube. Some players you will be able to see are Otochun, Aniken, Murasaki, Kusumondo, Matsu Blanka. Ando Ken, Batayan guile, Takashikiyo old ken and 2P Deejay. No annotations. Video
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Kawamata Ryu and Kondo Claw as team captains. Annotations in video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #115 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Shogatsu Old Honda and Ao-reppu Ryu face each other in the decisive match. Player name annotations on screen both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Special monthly 3vs3 at Game Spot Versus in Tokyo (Kanto). Annotations in video description. [source: GSV twitch channel]
- Game Newton Ooyama special team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). 8vs8 format. Annotations in video description. [source: Ooyama nico channel]
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Piroshi Honda and Haku Cammy. Annotations in video description. [source: Daytona twitch channel – live stream on Friday nights (Japan time)]
- Game Daytona Shiki special teams tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). Round Robin format. Annotations in video description.
- Special team battle at the Sun Seibu arcade in Hamamatsu (Chubu) with Isimorn Claw as guest.
- Playland F1R tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. February 8 edition (no annotations) | January 26 (annotations in video description). [source: Playland twitch channel]
- Zarghatt ChunLi and Donyann Ken have been announced as invited players for the FactorX tournament at HFS in France. More info
- Extra Life Cafe in Paris will run a qualifier for HFS this weekend where the first 2 will get the spot. Golcarjack and Myco are likely to travel there for the spot. Sunday 17 at 3pm CEST. Stream | More info
- A bunch of players have been now confirmed for the Fightcade Offline Festival in Spain (April 5-7). Seven Japanese players with different game specialities. For 2X there will be the two players who contributed to the game footage of the High Score Girl manga: TMF Zangief and TZW Guile. SpinalBlood Sagat from Italy has been confirmed as well.
- First attack group have announced they will be running an ST tournament by the end of July at Morlaix (Bretagne, France). The exact dates are still TBD and they are working on bringing a Japanese guest. First attack facebook group
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with E. Honda’s crouching light kick. [previous publications]
- Capcom has released the music of several games on Spotify including ST. ST Playlist | More info
- Arcade Shop has released the special stickers of the 2X logo that they created for the last EVO.
- Capcom Japan has released several merchandising products related to Street Fighter on their website. One of the products is a 17 keychains with all the characters of ST with the chibi drawing style.
- Someone on twitter has created an unofficial 2X wallpaper based on the design of the aforementioned keychains.
- Displaced Gamers channel has released a detailed video about the 4:3 aspect ratio in CPS1 and CPS2 systems. They explain many of the myths and questions asked from players, why CRT don’t use pixels, how console ports found workarounds to other systems or why the native resolution of the games is different than the ones shown in the arcade screen, etc.
- Brook has released their first full featured stick with their popular PCB inside. It comes with a removable lever as well. The stick will be presented at EVO Japan.
- Hori has released a series of compact sticks meant for nintendo switch and PS3/4.
- Arcade Paradise Shop has released several JAMMA related products. One of them is a switcher board that can be controlled from the joystick panel.