ST Revival welcomes Northwest Majors as a TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS II qualifier.  Northwest Majors takes place May 3-4 in Des Moines (Seattle), WA.  Visit the Northwest Majors website for more information and how to register.
– Saturday, May 3. Â Start time: 6PM PST.
– Stream: TBA at the venue.
Highline Community College
2400 S 240th St.
Des Moines, WA 98198
– Undamned UD-CPS2 Superguns (compatible with most popular PS3/360 joysticks/joypads). Â Cabinets may also be available.
– Double elimination.
– 2/3 or 3/5 TBA.
– Akuma is banned.
Entry fee:
– $10.  Visit for information on how to register.
– Payout TBA (20% will go to STR to help tournament expenses for EVO)