The Final Round TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS II qualifier will take place Friday night (March 14th) at 9PM EST.  Final Round takes place March 14-16 in Atlanta, GA.  Visit the Final Round website for more information and how to register.
– March 14 @ 9PM EST.
Hilton Atlanta Airport
1031 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30354
Tel: (404) 767-9000
– Japanese Arcade cabinet.
– Undamned UD-CPS2 Superguns (compatible with most popular PS3/360 joysticks/joypads).
– Double elimination.
– 3/5 games.
– Akuma is banned.
Entry fee:
– $10.  Visit for information on how to register.
– Payout TBA (20% will go to STR to help tournament expenses for EVO)