Don’s Arcade ToL II Qualifier Results

ultracombo defeats Fromo in the Grand Finals of the Don’s Arcade to qualify for TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS II at EVO 2014!
Special thanks to Don, Sergjiev and eltrouble for organizing this qualifier. There are six spots remaining all to be decide at EVO 2014!

Name: Don’s Arcade TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS II Qualifier
Date: June 14, 2014
Location: Torrance, CA
Entries: 16
Video: Twitch TV
Brackets: Challonge

1st ultracombo O. Sagat / Ryu
2nd Fromo Blanka
3rd Digital Infamy Boxer / Ryu
4th DGV Ryu
5th kuroppi O. Honda / Zangief / Ryu
5th AfroCole Dhalsim
7th MillerTime Honda / Claw
7th Sergjiev Honda / Chun-Li

Watch live video from Arkadeum on TwitchTV