Unessential blasts his way through winners undefeated to take the Red Bull Fight for the 6ix Super Turbo crown! Defeated in the process was longtime local rival Dogberry and Canada’s Tournament of Legends II qualifier Lord Jimmy Bones in some very intense sets.
Special thanks to TorontoTopTiers for organizing and running the tournament and Red Bull for sponsoring the event (and providing all that free Red Bull!)
Stream archive: https://www.twitch.tv/torontotoptiers/v/82142291
1) Unessential (Chun-Li)
2) Lord Jimmy Bones (Boxer)
3) Dogberry (Ryu, Ken, T.Hawk, Dictator)
4) Hohji (E.Honda, Ryu, O-Ken, O-Sagat)
5) TOSFHQ 50/50 Drewface (Ryu)
5) Luckyjim (O-Honda, Dictator)
7) Psychochronic (Chun-Li, Fei Long)
7) WB! (Chun-Li)