Hyper Bomb: Stage Two Tournament in San Diego on June 10th
By kuroppi |
Bracket Visionaries is holding Hyper Bomb: Stage Two in San Diego on June 10th. The tournament will feature Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, SFV, GG Xrd Revelator, UMVC3, KOF XIV, Tekken 7, and Smash Bros. Melee.
Event Details:
Handlery Hotel
950 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
Presidio Ball Room
Doors open at 10AM and tournaments start at 12PM.
Venue Fee:
Pre-Registration: $10
Onsite: $15
Spectator: $5
Parking: $5
Entry Fee:
ST: $5
SFV, GG Xrd, UMVC3, KOF XIV, Tekken 7, Smash: $10
Rules (ST):
2/3 Games.
Winner’s Finals, Loser’s Finals, Grand Finals are 3/5 Games.
Akuma is banned.
Hardware (ST):
UD-CPS2 with Kurosticks available.
Stream: TBA
Registration: http://www.smash.gg/stage2
More information: Hyper Bomb Facebook Event Page