Nor Cal Regionals ToL3 Qualifier Results
By kuroppi |
Congratulations to Riz0ne for pulling out the victory over eltrouble in an exciting grand finals at Nor Cal Regionals 2018 to become the latest qualifier for TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS 3!
Entrants: 42
Bracket: Smash.gg
Video: TwitchTV
1. Riz0ne (Dictator)
2. eltrouble (Dhalsim)
3. ultracombo (O. Sagat / Claw)
4. Darkness (Claw / Boxer / Ryu)
5. Millertime (Honda / Claw)
5. yoooooon (Boxer / O. Sagat)
7. Georam (Dictator / O. Ken)
7. brentiscool (Dee Jay)

Nor Cal Regionals ToL3 Qualifier takes place this Saturday
By kuroppi |
The next ToL3 Qualifier is upon us and it takes place this Saturday, March 31st starting at 10AM PST. You won’t want to miss this one as this tournament will feature some heavy hitters as the competition starts heating up for qualifying spots.
The action will be streamed by the one and only Team Sp00ky at https://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky!
They are also accepting on-site registration so there’s still time for you to join! Visit http://www.norcalregionals.com/ for more information.
Also, please visit the ToL3 GoFundMe page to help us with tournament expenses. We’re hoping to reach $650 soon so we can announce the first Japanese invite! Every donation is greatly appreciated, even just a few dollars. Thank you!

Nor Cal Regionals 2017 Super Turbo Results
By kuroppi |
Nor Cal Regionals 2017
April 16, 2017
Sacramento, CA
Players: 21

Nor Cal Regionals 2017 Takes Place This Weekend
By kuroppi |
Nor Cal Regionals is taking place this weekend and once again Super Turbo will be part of the action.
The tournament is scheduled to begin at 12PM PST / 3PM EST on Saturday and will be streamed by Team Sp00ky @ http://www,twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
Super Turbo at Nor Cal Regionals 2017!
By kuroppi |
Ultracombo will be running the NCR Super Turbo tournament taking place April 14-16, 2017 in Sacramento, CA.
Register now while Early Bird Registration is going on (until March 11th).
Nor Cal Regionals ST Results
By kuroppi |
Nor Cal Regionals 2016
March 25, 2016
Sacramento, CA
Players: 19
Nor Cal Regionals ST Tournament – March 25 @4PM PST
By kuroppi |
Nor Cal Regionals 2016 is taking place this weekend and the Super Turbo tournament will be taking place on Friday, March 25 at 4PM PST. There will be a stream for Super Turbo on Iplaywinner. If you have any questions, get a hold of ultracombo before or at the event. Here’s details of the tournament:
– 4PM start time on
– 3/5 games
– No Akuma
– Supergun hardware
– Entry fee is $5 but you must be registered for NCR. On-site registration is available for both NCR and the ST tournament.
Brackets: http://ncr2016.challonge.com/ST
(see video annotations in the youtube description)