Red Bull Battle Grounds ST Results
By kuroppi |
Otochun takes the Red Bull Battle Grounds Super Turbo title by defeating his brother, Aniken in the Grand Finals. AfroLegends takes 3rd place.
Red Bull Battle Grounds
November 18, 2017
Boston, MA
Players: 96
Bracket: Pools | Top 16 | Top 3
Video: Top 3 | Top 16/Pools Coming Soon
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Redbull Battlegrounds Special ST Tournament on November 18-19
By kuroppi |
Coming off the heels of the amazing Canada Cup Super Turbo tournament which featured some of the top players from the USA, Japan and Canada, another big ST event is coming to the Northeast on November 18-19 at the Capcom Pro Tour North American Finals at the Red Bull Battle Grounds in Boston, MA. This event will also feature some huge names in the Super Turbo world, including the debut of the Japanese Grandmaster brothers Otochun and Aniken in the USA. EVO Champion AfroLegends will make the trip to the East Coast to take on the Japanese superstars. And top East Coast players, Riz0ne and Technical Monkey will also compete in the tournament, as well as the world famous Justin Wong. Super Turbo will have a $1000 prize pool up for grabs.
For the 30th Anniversary of Street FIghter, the event will have tournaments for Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter: 3rd Strike, and Ultra Street Fighter 4, along with two Street Fighter V qualifier tournaments for the Capcom Pro Tour Finals: one is a 512 player open bracket and the second will feature the winners of the regional monthly Red Bull Proving Grounds Tournaments for the other qualifier spot.
Registration is only $10 to compete and is free to spectate. Register now!
Full details can be found at the Red Bull Battlegrounds website.