X-News Week #4 (November 13th-19th)

North America

  • Monday Night Fights @ Arkadeum had its #53 weekly event with Techmonkey winning for second time in a row. BracketVideo
  • Otochun won the Redbull Battlegrounds tournament of last weekend. Aniken, Afrolegends and Damdai were 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. Special thanks to Jimmy Nguyen (shinjn) for the organizational leadership, Chris Doyle (technical monkey) for his Technical support and David Bibona (Atari) for his hard work to make this a successful tournament. Brackets
  • Eventhubs interviewed the twin brothers Otochun and Aniken preview to the tournament aforementioned. Aniken posted a bunch of pictures on his twitter during the weekend.
  • Technical Monkey and Silentscope visited the guys from I Fix Machine for some casuals the day before they went to Redbull Tournament and 2old2Furious respectively. Stream
  • Skillions 2 old 2 Furious took place in NYC with JoshC taking the tournament. Bracket | Stream
  • The tournament that was supposed to happen at Game Galaxy in Smyrna, TN two weeks ago was postponed to this last Tuesday. Unfortunately, there are no recorded videos. DreamTR, Papstr and Beatemup formed the podium of the event.
  • Dbostick organized a small online tournament on Fightcade last Tuesday. King of the Dojo 7. Brackets | Stream
  • Tournament Tuesday will be held on Fighcade this week. Organized by Nagata Lock from Canada. Registrations are now open.
  • Wednesday Night Fights took place on Wednesday with the surprise visit of DGV. Tomo beat Afrolegends in the finals. Videos will be posted soon on eltrouble’s channel.
  • New videos from Canada Cup have been posted on Atari’s channel. Top 8, casuals and many more.




  • The third DVDs lent by Kusumondo has been posted on youtube by eltrouble. It’s a single 2on2 tournament where each player can use with their secondary character. Playlist
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