North America
- Monday Night Fights @ Arkadeum had its #55 weekly event with a RenoMD vs. Techmonkey final going to the last game last round. Bracket | Video
- Space Shuttle weekly tournament (Chubu). More crowded than usual. Don’t miss the crazy final between Yondaime Old Sagat (not New!) and MAO [source: MAO’s nico channel]
- Gamespot Versus weekly tournament (Kanto) with Hustler Claw and Kawamata Ryu as team captains. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Game Daytona Shiki tournament (Kanto). The two players with the longest win streak get into the final. Su Dhalsim vs Nakajima Guile in this case.
- Gamespot Versus special 3on3 event. Exciting team tournament with the usual guys at GSV.
- North vs South tournament from the HL-SEGA arcade (Kansai) by Shogatsu with an amazing final between Kusumondo and KKY.
- Game Newton Ooyama tournament (Kanto). With a 4vs4 double bracket format.
Upcoming event:
- There are more details about the upcoming major in Japan (there are 4 each year) also known as FOX tournament, a 4vs4 event. The date of the tournament will be on December 30th with two special events, one the the day before the tournament and one the day after. The one on the 31st will be the classic Nagata special event for new year’s eve.
- The French community ‘First Attack’ run their ranking battle with Pe1port taking it with his Blanka. Videos of the final have been posted in their facebook event page.
Super Bonus!
- The guys from LaDoseNet in Lyon started a really exciting project where they will be translating the strategy section of both the Yoga Book Hyper and the Yoga Book Super. They already released an intro article and the Old Ryu section.