North America
- Monday Night Fights @ Arkadeum had its #56 weekly event with a final between Real Decoy (Blanka) and Techmonkey (ChunLi) going to the last game last round. Bracket | Video
- Wednesday Night Fights @ eSports Arena had some crazy exciting finals between tomo (Ryu), Afro Legends (DJ/Boxer) and eltrouble (Dhalsim). Videos
- Dbostick announced he will be hosting the last ‘The King of the Dojo’ online tournament of the year. December 19 @7pm Pacific time. 1st place will win a $10 digital gift card for Steam. Registration
- Bob Huynh is still in the US so they organized a tournament at Garret Tuttle’s place with arcade cabinets. Videos | Bracket
- Space Shuttle weekly tournament (Chubu). A FT3 format between the two teams. MAO and Superstar are the team captains. [source: MAO’s nico channel]
- Gamespot Versus weekly tournament (Kanto) with a special visit of Kusumondo from Osaka. He and Kawasim were the team captains. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Game Daytona Shiki special tournament (Kanto). Lots of action with a 2on2 tournament, a 5on5 special and a Kawamata Ryu Kumite!
- Gamespot Versus special single tournament (Kanto). Top 4 was formed by Hide ChunLi, Mu Dhalsim, Kusa Honda (alt char) and Yakitori Old Hawk.
- Gamespot Versus special 3on3 event. Final: Minarai (O. Ryu), Haijin (Ryu), Kusa (ChunLi) vs. Cross (FeiLong), Tomoza (Dictator), Suzuki (Zangief).
- North vs South tournament from the HL-SEGA arcade (Kansai) by Shogatsu with a final between himself and Kusumondo.
- A tournament took place in Strasburg, France, called Bat’cade V. The recorded grand final was between DonYann (Ken) and Milanea (Old Honda/Honda). Video | Bracket
- Another article coming from the LaDoseNet translation project of the Yoga Books. This time it’s Old Ken.
- MAO confirmed he will be going to the Fightcade Offline Festival in Spain next March.
- Capcom announced a 30th Anniversary Collection to be released on several platforms in May 2018. ST will have online play, rankings, sprite viewers and galleries among other features. We don’t know how faithful it will be to the arcade until we can test it. Trailer