North America
- The major Frosty Faustings took place in Chicago with 48 entrants. Immortal Claw and ThatArchVillan Dictator are the ones who made it to the final. Pools video (with annotations on Atari‘s channel) | Top 8 video (starts at 7:08:05, with James Chen and RoyBisel on the mic, no annotations) | Bracket
- WNF in Toronto is back! With all the big names from the area and the special guest ThatArchVillan coming from Chicago. The final is between Ozzz and JED07. Video | Bracket
- Taking advantage of the visit of ThatArchVillan to Toronto, Psychochronic posted two videos of casuals in the glorious Dreamcast version. The first video is two sets of FT50 of ThatArchVillan vs. Dogberry and Psychochronic. The second video is four sets of FT25 (one alternate, one main) of ThatArchVillan vs. JED07 and Psychochronic.
- Monday Night Fights @ Arkadeum run their #62 weekly event. As it happened last week, x64 and RenoMD dictator made it to the final. Bracket | Video
- To complement last week’s tutorial of Guile vs Dictator, Frank Vacanti made an extra episode where he interviews and talks to GolcarJack over skype.
- The casual sessions at Lost Ark arcade in NC are now recorded in the stream archive. Even if it’s casuals the names of the players are updated on screen. Damdai, Rekkaken and Atari were some of the guests attending the event.
- The guys from Chile (obviously not in North America) posted part of the tournament they had last week with an exciting final between Saga Ryu and DRG old Feilong. We recommend to watch those old Feilong combos.
- Jason Wilson posted the results of the event they had at Game Galaxy last week with Caleb winning the event.
- Philcito, one of the admins of No Honor Crew has announced there are official groups created both for PS4 and Xbox ONE in order to do some events and tournaments after 30th anniversary is launched.
- Reminder that this weekend, February 3-4, there will be another Texas qualifier in Toronto. The Super Turbo Showdown 2. Stream channel | Registration
Many foreigner players were present in some of the Japan events this week because of EVO Japan taking place this past weekend.
- Space Shuttle weekly team tournament (Chubu) with Kenshiro as guest forming almost an entire team (by playing several characters) against the rest of the local players. [source: MAO’s nico channel]
- Gamespot Versus weekly team tournament (Kanto) with more than 10 foreigner players from all over the world, all of them in the same team. Amazing performances from MuffinMan and Big Body GAIJIN. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Gamespot Versus weekend tournament (Kanto). A 2vs2 team tournament where the visitor players from Texas teamed up with the local Japanese players. SeanSRK with Yakitori Old Hawk and Chris Delp with Nikaiten Boxer. From minute 2:28:30 there is an hour and a half kumite of Kotaka Shoten against many players.
- From the same Gamespot Versus event there is an extract where Kotaka Shoten plays a long set for half an hour against Yakitori DJ (his secondary character)
- Gamespot Versus special ratio tournament (Kanto) with Palestina and Kusa making it to the final. With a new list of how the ratio points are assigned.
- Game Daytona Shiki special tournament (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. With the guests SeanSRK and Chris Delp from Texas. The two players with the longest run who made it to the final were Toukon ChunLi and Tomoza Boxer.
- North vs South tournament from the HL-SEGA arcade (Kansai) by Shogatsu. Otochun and Teppei Guile are defending their teams in the final. Warning, the audio is all messed up.
- Amipara Technoland East vs West tournament (Kansai) with SPR Old Ryu and KED Dictator as team captains.
- The videos and results from the last ranking battle in Lyon have been posted with the final between Zarghatt ChunLi and Kouni Ryu. Take a look at the video descriptions. Winner’s final | Loser’s final and Grand Final | Bracket
- Isimorn published on youtube the restream he did on parts of XSB and ToL3 while he also talks about other plans for LaDOSE. The commentary is in French.
- The GHM youtube channel posted a video with a lot of footage of the XSB tournament of last year with a lot of interview in it. Content in French.
- Fighter101 posted a video where he shares his thoughts about old games vs. new games.