North America
- The Super Turbo Showdown 2 qualifier tournament took place last weekend in Toronto with a fierce fight between Montreal and Toronto players who were going after their free tickets to the Free Play tournament in Texas. People clipped some highlights like crazy comebacks or a double stun but there is so much more to see. Special thanks to Jakyo Manor for helping out with the commentary. Youtube videos with annotations: Singles | Teams | Casuals. Stream (with twitch chat) | Brackets
- Monday Night Fights @ Arkadeum run their #63 weekly event. H-Zero and RenoMD dictator made it to the final. Bracket | Video
- L.A. WNF is back with a great final between Tomo Ryu and eltrouble Dhalsim. Silentscope clipped a crazy countdown moment of the same final. Video (annotations coming soon)
- Crooked Tooth Brewing in Arizona organized an ST tournament with ShotosAllDay and Fromo facing each other in the finals. Unfortunately, there is no footage of the matches.
- Reminder that there are just few hours left to register for the Winter Brawl tournaments which already has more than 50 players for ST.
- A few years ago there was a long set of Ryu mirrors between the best Ryu’s in Tokyo (Sashishi, Sasori and Kurahashi). This time they did the same with the best 3 ChunLis in Tokyo (with the permission of Nuki): Keishin, Hide and Kusa. As in all the arcades that give you 2 credits with one coin, the players alternate between their main color and their alt color.
- Kusumondo has started a project, with the help of Ando Hayashida and Shinohonda called X-count (Ultimate Fighting Order) where they will be posting FT10 game series between players in Osaka (and guests). Everything will be posted on a new youtube channel. So far, they have done the first series with Batayan Guile vs Shigaken Ken (restreamed version | live commentary version). They also had a Gunze Zangief vs Tsuji Boxer series but for some reason it hasn’t been posted yet and they just announced there will be a third series between Otochun ChunLi and Teppei Guile (strongest Guile in Osaka) on February 17 at 10pm (JST time).
- On the same X-count channel aforementioned there have been two FT5 exhibitions posted recently. Gunze Zangief vs Komoda Blanka and Wada Sagat vs Komoda Blanka.
- After the success of Daigo hosting the first Kemonomichi FT10 exhibition series between Aniken and Kotaka Shoten, he has recently announced a second edition on March 10th. The players haven’t been revealed yet.
- Gamespot Versus weekly team tournament (Kanto) still with some foreign visitors that stayed for a few more days after EVO Japan like Double-U Dhalsim. The team captains Tencho Ryu and Abebin Honda decided the team victory in the very last match. There were many great moments like a 92 second round from Chosu with a ToD at 54:40. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Gamespot Versus special 3vs3 tournament (Kanto) where the 3 best ChunLis (Keishin, Hide and Kusa) are teaming up and make it to the finals against Shal Boxer, Piroshi Honda and Naka Cammy.
- Game Daytona Shiki special tournament (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. Kusa wrecked everyone both with his Honda and his ChunLi. He faced Shal Dictator in the finals.
- From the previous event Xgamerz extracted a half an hour special with Guchi Ryu vs Kusa ChunLi.
- Game Newton Ooyama ranking battle (Kanto) with 3 teams of 5 people facing each other, all the teams packed with top players from the area.
- North vs South tournament from the HL-SEGA arcade (Kansai) recorded by Shogatsu. Otochun and Ao-reppu Ryu are defending their teams in the final.
- Playland F1R (Tohoku) is an arcade that has been posting footage from time to time over the years. The arcade and the players are not very well known because it’s located in the very north of Japan, the area is called Tohoku. Xgamerz rescued some of their recent footage. January 27th (with annotations) | February 3rd
- An invitational online tournament between most top players in Europe has been restreamed and posted for the first time on twitch with commentaries from Toukak and DonYann in French. The tournament was able to have many legends like Milanea, Wolmar or Max31. The finals were between Zagi and Balcork. Stream | Bracket | Trailer
- First Attack posted the videos and brackets of their monthly ranking battle with Pierrot and Solinvictus making it to the final. Playlist (3 videos) | Bracket
- The couple Mel and Pierrot are in charge of First Attack. They posted a half an hour video of them playing casuals while they comment on the details of the matchups and strategies. Content in French.
- Many people from the LaDose group in Lyon took a trip Player’s Bar in Riom. Nayma, Bendes, Zarghatt, Hannemann, Kienono, Kiouze, Sylv1n, Dadoo, Blackmane, Kazel and ISIMORN were among the players in the tournament. Unfortunately with no footage available. Bracket
- The guys at LaDose did another one of their restream series. This time with a restream of a recent Gamespot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo. ISIMORN and Double-U on the mic, in French.
- There is a recent documentary on youtube about Akiman, one of the original artists of Street Fighter and one of the most famous ones. Really worth watching! (subtitles in English).
- Many people at NHC were paying homage to MisterEgoTrip few days ago, a honda player from the US that left us recently, unfortunately.
- Pof posted a video tutorial recently about T. Hawk Option Select Typhoon-Buster also known as Omega move.