X-News Week #26 (April 16th-22nd, 2018)

North America

  • Northwest Majors joins as a Tournament of Legends 3 qualifier. It takes place June 22-23 in Des Moines, WA.
  • Clutch 18 gaming event had an ST tournament on the weekend that was streamed by NYCFurby. Grand Finals was between Immortal and GhettoOnTheRiseVideo Playlist
  • Millertime announced she will be having ST setups on Friday nights at the recently opened @SuperDojo. Silentscope streamed the casuals that happened last week.
  • Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum run their #74 weekly event. The final this week was between x64 and H-ZeroBracket | Video | Leaderboard



  • VSFighting joins as the fourth European Tournament of Legends 3 qualifier and the first UK qualifier. VSFighting takes place July 20-22 in Birmingham, UK.
  • PAX tournament in Paris had very strong players on their 2vs2 tournament. Isimorn recorded most of the matches with his camera and it will be posted soon with annotations.


  • Pof posted a video that shows the maximum distance some charge characters can walk forward when performing their super by delaying the input timing as much as possible. It’s not too much but it can be one or two steps depending on the case, enough to confuse your opponent.
  • Pof also posted another video about a glitch of the game that might not be so known by many. The glitch allows boxer to keep a down charge while on a standing position which lets the character to perform an unexpected headbutt that can be useful in some matches.
  • STNotW (ST Normal of the Week) by Fudd DJ and hosted on the Free Play Arcade group. The subject this time is Dictator’s crouching heavy kick.
  • SF30th Anniversary can be already pre-ordered on Amazon. For the sake of the hype Millertime is writing a series of tweets called Super Turbo Lessons where she points out practical stuff found in videos.
  • Jasco Games created a successful kickstarter project about a street fighter card game. The project is already funded with almost $1M. However, they will only include all 17 characters of ST (they have 15 so far) if the funds get to $1.3M. There are only 10 days left for that to happen. The game won’t be sold at retail and it will be exclusive for this campaign according to them.
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