North America
- Free Play Arcade run a big 2vs2 team competition where noobs were paired with vets. 29 teams total! Video | Brackets
- Friday ST tournament at SuperDojo, last stop pre-SCR tourney. Muffinman, Watson, eltrouble, Millertime among others. ST starts at minute 6:35:00. Video | Brackets
- SCR qualifier will take place in LA this weekend, September 15 at 12pm with Top 8 at 9pm. Pools will be streamed by silentscope88 with Top 8 on the LevelUpLive.
- Some changes in the qualifier spots for Tournament of Legends III have been announced.
- Atari posted the footage from the Final Round tournament (and ToL3 qualifier) played a few months ago. ST goes from minute 2:20:00 to 4:47:00. Video
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum run their #94 weekly event. Bracket | Video
- FT5 at Space Shuttle (Chubu) from few weeks ago between Atari Guile and Superstar Boxer.
- MAO has announced that the next FT5 will be between Prince ChunLi and Superstar Boxer on September 23. You can vote on twitter to pick your favorite.
- Suzuki Zangief, one of the strongests Zangiefs in Tokyo had a long set series against various players at Gamespot Versus back in May. Video
- Gamespot Versus weekly team tournament (Kanto). Apparently they run a special format with one of the teams playing their main character whereas the other team played it all with alt chars and surprisingly taking the win. Tomoza Dictator and Shu Ken were the team captains. Annotations in video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Game Newton Ooyama special team tournament (Kanto). 2vs2 format. [source: Ooyama nico channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #94 from the HL-SEGA arcade (Kansai). Mori Boxer and Murasaki Dictator face each other in the decisive match. Player name annotations on screen both in Japanese and English.
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between Kawasim Dhalsim and Haru King Honda. Annotations in video description. [source: Daytona twitch channel]
- Playland F1R 2on2 tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. August 26, August 29, September 5. No annotations. [source: Playland twitch channel]
- MixUp had Zarghatt ChunLi as the winner of the tournament. 2nd and 3rd place will go to the Tournament of Legends III finals. Kouni Ryu and DonnYan Ken respectively. Videos (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 [top3]) | Brackets
- Extra Life Café launches monthly sessions from September 22th in Paris, one Saturday a month. More info
- Gameover is back in the UK with a 2X tournament on September 23. More info
- Spanish 2X monthly tournament had Marcade Honda as the winner. Video (Top 3) | Bracket
- TZW has published some extras of his latest DVD although they are related to World Warrior and Champions Edition instead of Super Turbo. Channel
Also, please check out the TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS III fundraiser at to help support ST Revival with tournament expenses and pick up some awesome Super Turbo related goodies in the process. If you can’t swing a full donation for one of the prizes, a small donation of even a couple of dollars is still greatly appreciated! The next Japanese invite will be unlocked at $1950!