- Art Sanchez hosted a Matcherino fundraiser tournament for TOL3 on 30AE. RenoMD, Millertime, Kuroppi, LordJimmyBones, Rekkaken among others were present. The final was between Krost and BORT. Bracket | Main tournament video | Top 3 video
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum run their #96 weekly event with RenoMD and H-Zero in the finals. Bracket | Video
- An ST tournament was held at Star69 Garage Arcade in Austin TX last weekend. With American bat top sticks and unfortunately with no videos. Info
- The community in Argentina posted the video of their last league matches (top 8).
- An FT5 coming from MAO-db at Space Shuttle arcade between Nakamu Blanka and Futachan Ryu. Strongly recommended. Video
- More treats for Blanka fans with a Komoda Kumite that is 3 and a half hours long. The matches are played in Osaka so most opponents are top players like Gunze, Otochun, Aniken, Mayakon, etc. No sound nor annotations. Video
- Gamespot Versus weekly team tournament (Kanto). Nakamu Blanka and Kawamata Ryu were the team captains. Annotations in video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- Gamespot Versus weekend special (Kanto). The format this week is a Guile vs Ryu only. In the first lap you can see players with their main as such but in the second lap they switch characters. So you can see the final match being an unusual Kikai Ryu vs. Kawamata Guile. Annotations in video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #96 from the HL-SEGA arcade (Kansai). Otochun ChunLi and Murasaki Dictator face each other in the decisive match. Player name annotations on screen both in Japanese and English.
- Game Daytona Shiki weekly tournament (Kanto). With their usual “winner stays on” format. There are always 2 laps. This week’s final is between KKY Boxer (visiting from Osaka and showing off his alt char) and Seo Guile. Annotations in video description. [source: Daytona twitch channel]
- Playland F1R 2on2 tournament (Tohoku). From the remote arcade in the very far north of Japan. No annotations. [source: Playland twitch channel]
- Up to 20 participants (new record) gathered last week at Extra Life Cafe in Paris. Really good news for those who wanted to see the Paris community revive. They also managed to stream the content. Amazing performance from Max31 Cammy. Bracket | Stream
- The upcoming XSB tournament had a sudden 4th Japanese player signing up. The player himself asked to not reveal his identity until the day of the tournament so he will remain as the “Mystery Japanese player” for now.
- NKI has returned to the scene with a new combo video volume (number XII). The last one he published was 10 years ago. This time he dissected ST with the help of other people in the community. The result is really impressive. Video | Direct Download | Transcript (recommended reading)
- Damdai has recently revealed in one of his streams a trick for shotos to consistently avoid meaty Sagat (old and new) tiger shots. The trick was not so known in the community until now. The trick is as simple as jumping back on wake up. He says he noticed that watching a Yondaime match in the recent X-EST tournament. Demo
- The ST community in Singapore started posting videos on youtube of their meetups. One very good thing of these videos is that they are all annotation (in video description)
- Daniel James created a poster for CPS2 fans. In his own words: “As a graphic designer, I wanted to capture this, and so I made this poster which is free for download. All I had to go on were random wiki articles, old forums and some bits from the old manuals, which originally left a lot to be desired visually. I felt the CPS2 is worthy of a poster. It’s sized at 18×24″ so it should print up to that size. Long live our CPS2 boards“. Download
- @konosuke on twitter has found a way to revive dead cps2 boards without the need of replacing batteries nor touching the ROMS. In this case he found a way to inject the security key at boot time into the RAM. Another major accomplishment for hardware and CPS2 lovers. Tweets (1, 2, 3)
Also, please check out the TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS III fundraiser at to help support ST Revival with tournament expenses and pick up some awesome Super Turbo related goodies in the process. If you can’t swing a full donation for one of the prizes, a small donation of even a couple of dollars is still greatly appreciated! The next Japanese invite will be unlocked at $1950!