- Super Turbo Showdown 3 is happening in Toronto this Saturday with players traveling to the event like MegamanX Zangief, EtotheNG Dictator, SuperrV Boxer, Thelo Honda and Roybisel Boxer and with top quality stream, setups and commentators. Stream | Matcherino | Registration | More details
- Makai Tournament took place in Cincinnati as part of the 2old2furious series with Silentscope Cammy participating the event. Bracket | Stream (top8 at minute 3:45:00)
- Upcoming monthly Norcal Crabattle session this weekend with Riz0ne Dictator participating. Stream | Registration
- Super Bit Wars 7 will have an ST tournament in Norman, Oklahoma this Saturday. Registration
- 5th ST session in NYC from last weekend with TechMonkey, SuperrV, MegamanX, Zoolander, and EtotheNG. Annotations on screen.
- SuperTurbo Argentina started their 2nd season already and here is the video of the first tournament. Annotations on screen plus commentary.
- Latest ST session of the TNF stream from Free Play Richardson (Texas). Annotations on screen plus commentary.
- There are two more videos available from the facebook live streams of the ST ranking battle run in Brazil. Stream list
- Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #120 weekly event with RemoMD Dictator and x64 Honda in the finals. Bracket | Video
- 5th installment of X-er tournament took place last weekend at the BigOne arcade in Tokyo (Kanto). The format of X-er is 2vs2 teams with only participants that haven’t won any Japanese major in the past. Final between Piroshi Honda & Suzuka Dhalsim vs Yomiaido Ryu & Kazu Deejay. Annotations in as a comment in the video.
- Game Spot Versus weekly team tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Kawasim Dhalsim and Yakitori Hawk as team captains. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV youtube channel]
- North vs South weekly team tournament #121 from the HL-SEGA arcade in Osaka (Kansai). Murasaki Guile and Hazi Deejay faced off against each other in a decisive match, with an exhibition between Ando Dhalsim and Shogatsu Old Honda afterwards. This time, as a fun exception, they set up the game to 3 round victories in each match (this can only be done in HSF2). Player name annotations on screen are both in Japanese and English. [source: Shogatsu’s youtube channel – live stream every Monday night – Japan time)]
- Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament in Tokyo (Kanto). East vs West format. Nakamu Blanka and Cloiwan Honda as team captains. A lot of Hawk action in this video. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Belated Game Spot Versus special weekend tournament in Tokyo (Kanto) from last week. Double bracket format. Kaneko Guile, Shiro Ryu and Hide ChunLi in the top 3. Annotations in the video description. [source: GSV twitch channel – live stream every Saturday night (Japan time)]
- Xgamerz posted the casuals session from the pre-event run the day before the main Starcup tournament at Shuttle Space arcade in Nagoya (Chubu) last February.
- Navarcade announced that James Chen will be going to the big tournament in Spain, Fightcade Offline Festival, which will take place next week. Registration
- Weekly sessions from the arcade in Singapore. Annotations in the video description.
- Super Turbo Normal of the Week with Dee Jay’s crouching medium punch. [previous publications]
- Mongorobocop started a podcast where he talks about some history, events and other details of ST. Available on AnchorFM and Spotify.
- The guys at Sneeknet in Australia published an excellent article dedicated to ST. They talk about the history of the game hardware, the 25th anniversary Star Cup tournament and even the high score records of the game. They also announced an ST tournament that will take place on April 18 in Sydney.
- Golcarjack Guile made some tables comparing damage between Ryu and Ken in ST/2X
- Makiri Ken posted a brutal short video from last summer of Orf Ryu vs Sashishi Ryu.
- Damdai Old Ryu posted a video with a real time comparison of stage speed in ST.
- ‘Hi Score Girl’ season 2 premier has been announced for October 2019
- 2nd generation of Sanwa silent buttons (OBSFE), which removes the foam pad, are now available at Focusattack.
- Uniqlo brand has a series of SF2 T-Shirts available at their stores.