Riz0ne recently started an ST podcast with high quality production. The guest in the first episode is Makiri Ken, who most of you already know and the best person to explain the insights of the Japanese scene.
The episode 2 has been announced and will have Mattsun Ken as guest with many questions collected by the community on discord.
Coincidently, Jason Cole was recently interviewed in a podcast episode of the Retro World Series crew, the same group who organizes retro tournaments in Vegas.
Some other ST Podcasts from the past:
- The MonGoloRoboTalks podcasts. 6 episodes featuring Fromo, Millertime, Chris Delp, DngsPapercut, etc. (2019)
- theEBStream’s podcast featuring Arkadeum crew. (2014)
- Grog’s ST Round Table 3 episodes featuring Damdai, Ganelon, John Rambo, Airthrow. (2011)
- John Rambo’s Riz0ne interview. 2 parts. (2011)
For those lucky enough to also speak French there is a podcast series started recently by Zarghatt where he reviews the early eras of ST in the different communities. It’s called Retour vers le Turbo. 16 episodes so far.