By yogaboy |
Trying to have some OGs from the 3 ToL posters (2012/2014/2018)
- Time: Friday 23rd 6pm LAX / 9pm NYC. Saturday 24th 3am EU / 11am JP
- Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/riz0ne

Mix of players from the past and the present
- Time: Sunday 25th 12am LAX / 3pm NYC / 9pm EU. Monday 26th 5am JP
- Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/bazoukha2x

Offline Tozaisen of 40 vs 40 followed by an exhibition between Kuruvega Dictator vs Yaya Sagat
- Time: Friday 23rd 10pm LAX. Saturday 24th 1am NYC / 7am EU / 3pm JP
- Stream: https://www.youtube.com/@gamespotversus/streams

ST Podcasts
By yogaboy |
Riz0ne recently started an ST podcast with high quality production. The guest in the first episode is Makiri Ken, who most of you already know and the best person to explain the insights of the Japanese scene.

The episode 2 has been announced and will have Mattsun Ken as guest with many questions collected by the community on discord.
Coincidently, Jason Cole was recently interviewed in a podcast episode of the Retro World Series crew, the same group who organizes retro tournaments in Vegas.
Some other ST Podcasts from the past:
- The MonGoloRoboTalks podcasts. 6 episodes featuring Fromo, Millertime, Chris Delp, DngsPapercut, etc. (2019)
- theEBStream’s podcast featuring Arkadeum crew. (2014)
- Grog’s ST Round Table 3 episodes featuring Damdai, Ganelon, John Rambo, Airthrow. (2011)
- John Rambo’s Riz0ne interview. 2 parts. (2011)
For those lucky enough to also speak French there is a podcast series started recently by Zarghatt where he reviews the early eras of ST in the different communities. It’s called Retour vers le Turbo. 16 episodes so far.

Super Turbo Mods
By yogaboy |
During the covid days some people had more time in their hands to make a substantial progress with projects they have been working for a while.
Here are three projects with recent public releases:
New Legacy Version
[Beta. Author: Born2SPD]

A version of ST with many fixes and rebalances built over the last 5 years. The goal was to create a fun “side” version of the game as a tribute to ST. It’s not meant as a replacement. Old characters’ changes are heavily inspired in HF.
[Author: Zass]

An alternative color set for ST. With the help of the community and Zass’ self-made tools they created 10 alt colors for each character.
30th Anniversary Speed Patch
[Author: Angel_Killah]
A patch that fixes the speed of ST in 30th Anniversary PC version to the standard speed used in tournaments.
Download (instructions in the README.txt of patch_x.x.zip)
Making them work together
The “coincidence” of having the 3 projects released almost at the same time allowed the authors to work with each other to enhance their respective projects.
The 30th Anniversary patch added features in order to include the New Legacy game as a selectable option. In turn, the SuperTurboAltColors set can be included in both ST and New Legacy ROMs (both in Fightcade and 30th) and the New Legacy project added a selection of the set as additional colors on top of the ST ones (available on the 0.4 version – coming soon).
The oddities of the double KO in ST
By kuroppi |
Design Changes
Double KOs in Street Fighter have existed since SF1. Deciding what happens in such an event has changed over time for different reasons. Here is a quick summary of its evolution (note that double time-outs are also treated as double KOs except for one particular case in SF3):
- SF1: No victories awarded for double KOs. If a double KO occurs in the 3rd round and the score is 0-0 or 1-1, then it’s game over for both players (draw game). However, if the score is 1-0 (or 0-1), then the player with that single victory will win the match.
- SF2 World Warrior: No victories awarded for double KOs. The game will keep going until someone reaches two victories. If no one has reached two victories by the end of the 9th round, then a 10th round (also called final round) is played as sudden death. In order to do that, the game sets the score to 1-1 at the beginning of the 10th round regardless of what the score was at that moment. Another double KO in that last round would mean game over for both players (draw game).
- SF2 CE/HF/NC/ST and SF Alpha: No victories are awarded for double KOs. If no one reached two victories by the end of the 3rd round, then a 4th round (also called final round) is played as sudden death. In order to do that, the game sets the score to 1-1 at the beginning of the 4th round regardless of what the score was at that moment. Another double KO in that last round would mean game over for both players (draw game).
- SF3, SF4 and SF5: Victories are awarded to both players for double KOs. The decisive round is always the 3rd round (also called final round). If a double KO occurs in the final round with an even score (1-1), then it’s game over for both players (draw game). Example: SF4 Daigo vs Justin exhibition 2010.
The “judgment” experiment
SF3 is the only version where Capcom tried a judgment system to pick a winner in certain double KO situations. The judgment system will only be used for double KOs in the final round with an even score (1-1) or double time-outs in any round. Otherwise, a victory is given to each player similarly to how it works in SF4 and SF5.
In theory, the judgment system chooses the winner based on some sort of performance parameters of the match. But some say it’s actually random. Example: SF3 Ricky Ortiz vs Daigo 2003.
The small difference that messed it all up
There is no perfect logic solution for double KO situations that would please everyone. The solutions in SF1, SF3, SF4 and SF5 can lead to some funny situations where a player gets a match victory even if he had won only one round for instance.
One could say that in SF2 and SF Alpha, the solutions are even “worse” than the other versions since you get more odd situations. The main reason behind it is that the score of the final round is forced to be 1-1. The easier way to explain this is by looking at the following examples:
1 – The meaningless round
If you get double KO both in the first and the second round, then the third round will start with no victories on either side. What happens in that third round doesn’t matter since the 4th and final round will be set to 1-1 either way. You can see an example in the following weekly tournament in Japan where Shino Honda and Nakajima Honda just mess around in the 3rd round knowing there is really no point playing it. (minute 47:00)
The format of the tournament is a “Winner Stays On” type with a final playoff between those who got the most consecutive wins. Surprisingly, they ALSO get a double KO in the final round so both players lose.
2 – The undeserved victory
Let’s review what happens in the following video between Afro Legends (Boxer) and Alex Wolfe (Dhalsim) (minute 3:42). Afro Legends wins the first round (1-0), then a double KO occurs in the 2nd round, and another one in the 3rd round. At that moment, the score is still 1-0. But in the 4th round (sudden death round), the game forces the score to be 1-1. At 4:31, Seth Killian says “And notice that Dhalsim has got a round for free even though he hasn’t won”. In the final round, Afro Legends wins so the final score is 2-1.
3 – The unfair aftermath
In the previous example Afro Legends wins both the 1st and the 4th round to have a final score of 2-1 in his favor. However, let’s imagine that Alex Wolfe had been able to win that 4th round. Then the winner of the match would have been him with a final score of 1-2. If you do the math, both Afro Legends and Alex would win one round each. But Alex would be the winner for having taken that last sudden death which one could argue is an unfair outcome.
What to do in a draw match
When the game considers that it’s game over for both players, then you can say it’s a draw game with no winners. However, depending on the context, the outcome of the match can be different for every situation. Some examples are:
- Exhibition match: The match is usually considered a draw.
- Online ranked match: Both players lose some points (some people have reported that only the player with a higher rank does).
- Team battle: Both players lose. And the next person on each team take over.
- Tournament bracket: The match has to be played again. For example, the following video where RenoMD and Rakanishu have a double KO in both the third round and the final round (minute 3:08:11).
ST: Why we play it, and how we play it Part 1
By kuroppi |
A great article by GDL Entertainment’s Chris Hatala on the impact SF2/ST has had and why we still play it to this day. Chris will be releasing Part II of this discusson in the near future, which will touch on more strategy and explain why it’s so fun and has lasted over 20 years. For now, check out part I:
Yoga Curry!
By kuroppi |
Capcom is releasing “Curry House Dhalsim” in late August 2014, under the GEEK LIFE brand.
News story here: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201408/05058540.html
Oral History of Street Fighter 2 from polygon.com
By kuroppi |
An inside look at the creation and fallout of Capcom’s industry-defining fighting game, as told by those who were there.
While a ton of stories surround Capcom’s fighting hit Street Fighter II and its development, many accounts come from second-hand sources or short interviews that don’t really highlight the whole picture. Polygon decided to circumvent those issues with a huge editorial focused on the oral history of the title, detailed by Yoshiki Okamoto, Akira Nishitani, and many others who were at Capcom during the time period.
Polygon’s piece covers the history of notable people involved with the game, how the sequel came about, early concept stages, inspirations behind characters, development stories, the title’s nearly instantaneous acclaim, the numerous bugs discovered after the official release, rampant piracy issues, subsequent iterations and updates, and much, much more throughout its various pages.
Source: Shoryuken
Akira Nishitani discusses SF2 tidbits via Twitter
By kuroppi |
Fascinating tidbits about SF2. Â Akira Nishitani (Nin-Nin), creator/designer for Street Fighter II, created a Twitter account last month and has revealed a lot of tidbits about SF2. Feliniki from the Mugen forums discovered this and took it upon himself to translate a bunch of his tweets and post them on the Mugen forums. |
Link to the Mugen forum thread here. |