Big ST Weekend – Texas Showdown / Gamecenter ST GAMES and EB Stream GGPO Tournaments + Arkadeum

A big weekend of Super Turbo kicked off last night with Arkadeum hosting the first Friday night Super Arcade tournament stream, won by Mike Watson!

Today, Texas Showdown will be holding an ST GAMES tournament at 1PM CST (11AM PST/2PM EST).  It looks like ST will not be able to be streamed but keep checking back @ Texas Showdown to see if any of the matches are streamed.

At 12PM PST (3PM EST), The E.B. will be streaming the third of four qualifiers for their Super Turbo Global Domination Series.  For complete information on the tournament and to still sign up before it starts, click here.  The stream will be at the E.B Stream @
Following the E.B. Super Turbo Global Domination Tournament, Arkadeum will go live with Sergjiev and eltrouble presenting the next installment of the Super Turbo Tutorial series.  The stream will be taking place on Arkadeum’s Twitch TV channel @
And finally, the Gamecenter Nor Cal ST GAMES tournament will be taking place this afternoon.  They’re expecting to start between 3-4PM PST (6-7PM EST) and will be streamed by Mizuki @