IEBattleGrounds and Super Arcade are hosting a “Geriatric Warfare” Tournament on February 1st that includes Super Turbo, SFA2, CvS2 and MvC2!  Full details have now been released:
The old people are back! and they are about to show you new kids how its done.
February 1st 2014 we are gathering 4 of the communities together to bring you this throwback tournament
Game Lineup:
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Capcom vs SNK 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Super Arcade
1211 N. Grand Ave
Walnut CA,
Entry Fee:
$5.00 Per Game and a $5.00 Venue Fee
Please note that SFA2 & SSF2T will be held on the UNDAMED CpS-2 system and they are BYOC!  The system is compatible with all your Xbox 360 & PS3 USB controllers.
CvS2 will be on PlayStation 2 hardware.
MvC2 will be on Dreamcast.
So make sure you bring your appropriate fightsticks or controllers please.
Tournament Schedule:
SSF2X – 5:00 PM
SFA2 – 6:00 PM
CvS2 – 7:00 PM
MvC2 – 8:00 PM
Online Brackets will be available at
The event will be streamed at
And please remember to Bring Your Own Controllers!