X-News Week #82 (May 13th-19th, 2019)
America Texas showdown took place last weekend with a final between Enforcer and CVital. [Brackets | Pools stream | Top 8 | Extra footage: Enforcer vs Yuuki Losers and Winners]…
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America Texas showdown took place last weekend with a final between Enforcer and CVital. [Brackets | Pools stream | Top 8 | Extra footage: Enforcer vs Yuuki Losers and Winners]…
America 8th meet up organized in NYC featuring TechMonkey, MegamanX, Zoolander, The Chief, and EtotheNG. [Video] FTX from 2015 played between the French player Max31 Cammy and Fromo Blanka [video].…
America Defend the North tournament has been announced for July 19-21. [Registration] Monday Night Fightcade @ Arkadeum ran their #126 weekly event with Beans and x64 Honda in the finals. [Bracket | Video] Some more details…
America Latest TNF stream from Free Play Richardson (Texas). [Video] 7th meet up organized in NYC featuring TechMonkey, MegamanX, Zoolander, RenoMD, SuperrV, JoshC, Dominican2X, and EtotheNG. [Video] Recorded online FTX between DGV Ryu and…
America 6th meet up organized in NYC featuring TechMonkey, MegamanX, Zoolander, The Chief, and EtotheNG. [Video] Toronto Top Tiers tournament with a final between DogBerry and Pestro. [No Brackets | Video] Monday Night Fightcade…
America Spring Series tournament took place last weekend with more than 100 players from all over the world and a final between Otochun and Murasaki. [Video playlist (both onstream and offstream…
America Super Arcade new location in LA celebrated their 1st anniversary. The final was between eltrouble Dhalsim and OGKen Old Ken. [Bracket | Video]. There are some highlights extracted from the…
America Norcal regionals took place last weekend with a final between Riz0ne Dictator and Ganelon Claw. [Bracket | Video] Super Turbo Showdown 3 took place on the weekend with a…
America Super Turbo Showdown 3 is happening in Toronto this Saturday with players traveling to the event like MegamanX Zangief, EtotheNG Dictator, SuperrV Boxer, Thelo Honda and Roybisel Boxer and with top quality stream, setups and…
America Final Round tournament took place last weekend with a final between Justin Wong Old Sagat and FlashG Old Ken. Bracket | Video Free Play Arcade has been organizing ST tournaments…